Mergers and acquisitions

Every merger, corporate acquisition or sale of a business or business unit or restructuring thereof is preceded by an extensive process. It’s a complex process, laden with potential pitfalls. Legal support is indispensible in regard to limiting and covering risks and attaining the best of results.  

Setting up a restructuring plan, a confidentiality agreement, a letter of intent, a due diligence investigation or negotiating and drafting transaction documentation: Fender Advocaten can provide you with the right assistance. 

The lawyers at Fender Advocaten all have extensive (international) experience dealing with mergers and acquisitions, including joint ventures, management buy-outs, asset-liability transactions and share deals. Whether it concerns a relatively small transaction or a cross-border deal involving multiple group companies, Fender Advocaten is the specialist adviser for you.  

Follow Fender Advocatenon LinkedIn or feel free to contact Edwin de Rooij for an introduction.

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